All dressed up & nowhere to go!
All dressed up & nowhere to go
so sharing school's floral wishes
All dressed up & nowhere to go
so sharing school's floral wishes
No school fruit deliveries but we found peppery radishes in the school garden. Yum!
No stopping the willow tunnel in isolation- protected from footballs and games of tag! Tiny little shoots bursting forth
Y3 Celts day out in fresh air before we closed. Veg dyes for fabrics,bread baked on fire, Celtic veg broth, nettle tea, weaving. How else do we learn about the Celts?
Look at the sky..thank you Andrew Hall for Y5 girls' football tournament
. Well done to all players..(we won after sudden death)
hanks to
for hosting Y1 ball skills event. Developing our skills & working alongside other schools. Brilliant start to our sporting careers!