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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Latest News

Page 54

  • Barrow Hills Cross Country

    Published 15/05/18

    What an incredible event at Barrow Hills School for our year 3 and 4 team. 8 of whom came back with medals! 'Dab'

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  • Marchants Hill

    Published 14/05/18

    Yr4 back from a fantastic @PGLholidays @PGLTravel residential. Everyone was challenged both physically and mentally - great #collaborative work across different #activities. Well done pupils and staff! #pgl #outdoorlearning #teambuilding #independence #adventure #skills 

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  • FGT!

    Published 04/05/18

    Fabulous effort from our year 6 girls at Farnhams Got Talent. They chose a street dance routine to ‘Aint your mumma!

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  • Farewell Otto!

    Published 24/04/18

    Regal in her fabulous cloak of green and blue fish, St Peter's Otter left to join her companions yesterday! Let's hope she does her bit to bring her friends back to The River Wey, Farnham! Go Otto!

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  • Ghana Club

    Published 23/04/18

    What a stunning wall hanging made by St Peter's Ghana Club. Well done all of you. We are sending this off to our friends in Accra!

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  • Summer Term 2018!

    Published 15/04/18

    Summer Term starts tomorrow! Bags packed? Shoes polished? Shirts ironed? We look forward to seeing your bright smiles at 8.50am

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