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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Latest News

Page 57

  • 2RH Class Assembly

    Published 09/03/18

    2RH Assembly began with a history-linked drama on Florence Nightingale -focusing on the need to prevent infection by keeping clean. It then moved on to a presentation of ways to keep ourselves healthy in our everyday lives. Well done 2RH we learned a lot!

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  • Fairtrade cake sale

    Published 08/03/18

    At St Peter's, as a Fairtrade Achiever School, we are flying the flag for fairtrade. The children's fairtrade cupcake sale raised £105! Thanks to all who baked and bought!

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  • Fairtrade Fortnight

    Published 07/03/18

    Fairtrade Fortnight is going strong at St Peter’s. Children manning the snack stall at Parents’ Evening – taking the Fairtrade message to the community! 

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  • Snowday update

    Published 01/03/18

    School remains closed 1st & 2nd March. Enjoy your long weekend. Hopefully see you all on Monday 5th March. Keep checking the website & twitter incase of changes.

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  • Netball Success

    Published 23/02/18

    Y5 Farnham Schools Netball Tournament. St Peter's went through to the finals, coming 2nd out of 10 schools! Well done team!

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  • Trim Trail Grand Opening

    Published 22/02/18

    At 3pm on Wednesday 21st February 2018, Farnham's Mayor, Cllr Mike Hodge ceremoniously opened our brand new trim trail. Thank you to all who attended including staff, parents and governors. We know the children are now itching to have a go!

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