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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Latest News

Page 59

  • Florence Nightingale Visit

    Published 11/01/18

    Florence Nightingale visited year 2 this week as part of their Healthcare Heroine history learning this term. 

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  • Christmas Wrap Up

    Published 20/12/17

    We wish you all a very happy and peacefull Christmas.

    A few items for your information: Save the Children Christmas Day raised £309.07. Collections following the carol concert and school plays raised £350.80 for Phyllis Tuckwell. The two turkeys on the front desk were sponsered to dress up for Crisis at Christmas which raised an impromptu £62.16

    Thank you all for your generosity.

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  • Cathedral Angels

    Published 05/12/17

    Guildford Cathedral is hosting an incredible display of over 100 angels created by Guildford Diocese church schools. Our school art club made theirs from recyclable and upcycled materials. It is now on display at the cathedral with the others for anyone to go and see.

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  • Confederation Remembrance Day

    Published 14/11/17

    On Friday 10th November, schools from the Farnham Schools Confederation met at the Farnham War  Memorial for a special service. More photos are in the gallery.

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  • Farnham and District Cross Country Event ​​​​​​​

    Published 16/10/17

    We had a great day at the Farnham and District Cross Country event on Saturday. We had 80 children participating which was the biggest turnout from any of the 14 schools represented. 


    St Peter's was the only school to be classed in all three categories and final results were:


    Boys' Team: 3rd

    Girls' Team:  3rd

    Overall Team: 3rd


    We had two podium places with Jemima Henderson (Y4) taking 3rd place out of 186 girls and

    Ollie Russell (Y6 ) coming in 2nd out of 253 boys! 


    It was super so see so many Y3 children running for the first time and although we didn't bring the cup back this time, we know we can do it and look forward to the next event in March 2018. 

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  • Ghana Visitors

    Published 09/10/17

    We were delighted to welcome Abraham and Robert from Ghana into our school last week. They are visiting England to learn more about how we approach Early Years learning. Both teachers enjoyed meeting the children and answering their questions.

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