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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Latest News

Page 60

  • Charity Day – a record breaking amount raised!

    Published 20/07/17

    What an amazing amount of money! £847. Again, the children surpassed themselves raising more money than they’ve ever done before. The sum will be shared between two charities chosen by the children: Guide Dogs for the Blind and Marie Curie Cancer Care. Teachers really look forward to Children’s Charity Day. The children take over for the afternoon  -organising and running stalls of their choice.

    Stalls include sports challenges, nail bars, cakes, iced drinks, popcorn, toys, books and a whole variety of puzzles and guessing games. It is wonderful to see the older children supporting the infants with their money and to watch staff relax while having their nails painted!  Charity Afternoon really embraces St Peter’s Christian ethos and the three school values: Courage, Inclusiveness and Active Citizenship. Photos in gallery.

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  • St Peter's harvests a feast! 

    Published 20/07/17

    Year 3 children enjoyed a feast from food grown in the school garden. Children had grown many of the vegetables from seed and maintained the garden over the summer months. Earlier in the term, gardening club held a stall selling some of their produce (see previous news story).

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  • Visitors support learning in RE

    Published 20/07/17

    All children learn about another major religion in RE during the summer term. The children's classroom learning has been put into context with a visit from a Rabbi (Y1/Y3/Y4) and from visitors from the Muslim faith in Y2 and Y5. We are so fortunate to have these opportunities to hear about people's faith in practice and have the opportunity to ask questions.

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  • St Peter’s takes the international stage!

    Published 20/07/17

    Women’s World Lacrosse Championships 2017 – St Peter’s takes the international stage!

    What an amazing opportunity!  As a result of our commitment to The Daily Mile and our enthusiasm to trial Lacrosse workshops, we were invited to participate in the Opening Ceremony of the Women’s World Cup, held at Surrey Sports Park on July 12th.  The event, opened by Princess Anne, was an occasion that the children (and adults) will never forget!

    Our 66 Y5 children ran into the Stadium waving international flags and formed a tunnel to welcome the 25 teams from around the world, as they entered.   Many of our children ‘high fived’ the players as they paraded by - carrying their country’s flag.

    After the parade St Peter’s children joined Farnham Rock Choir to perform a dance to the ELO song:  All around the World.  The song boomed out across the stadium while the crowd in the spectators’ stand cheered. It was like a mini- Olympics!  Once the performance was over, the children returned to the spectators’ stand where they had tickets for the opening match: England v Wales. 

    It was a long afternoon as we had to arrive for two hours of rehearsals with the rest of the performers.  Children returned to school at 8.30 - exhausted - but full of excitement and enthusiasm for Lacrosse.  As well as being totally absorbed as stars for the day, the children experienced being part of an international event alongside people from all over the world. They also heard the judges and Lacrosse officials swear their oaths to host a fair tournament and stood to sing the national anthem- what better way to feel part of a British and Global community!

    The whole ceremony was streamed live –and St Peter’s has a mention. Do view below to get a feel for the atmosphere.

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  • District Sports Update

    Published 12/07/17

    St Peter's performed really well at the Farnham and District Athletics Meet held on July 10th.  The event took place at the Guildford Stadium and was organised as an official meet with winners from heats going through to the finals. Competition was fierce with  12 schools competing - and some children run competitively  at club level.

    Although we did not come away with a cup, we had more children reaching the finals than we've ever had! Highlights were Molly O'Connor (1st Y6 girls' sprint), Tom Wattenbach (1st Y3 boys' sprint, Y6 girls' relay team (2nd). Joshua Sly Y4 Boys' Sprint 3rd. Mia Hilton Y3 Girls' Sprint 3rd.

    We are certainly beginning to see the impact of the Daily Mile!

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  • New News Story

    Published 05/07/17

    Following a revision of the Parent Handbook, we are pleased to inform you this can now be read online. Please read it here. Packed with information you should find all you need to know in one spot but should you have any questions, please direct these to the school office.

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