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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Latest News

Page 61

  • New News Story

    Published 03/07/17

    Here are a few of our Yr 6 children discussing ‘international trade’ with our local MP, the Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt. Mr Hunt had responded to letters that the children wrote during Fairtrade Fortnight asking for his support to encourage Waverley to become a Fairtrade borough.

    The children had prepared a presentation about our school being a Fairtrade Achiever school and also talked about our link with the school in Ghana. Mr Hunt had questions for the children which they handled in a very professional way. He also responded to some of their questions.
    Mr Hunt was impressed with their enthusiasm and told them that it is so important for young people to learn about other parts of the world and to think about people who live in different circumstances. He stated that with this kind of thinking, they will understand the world and be able to contribute in a big way when they are older.
    His visit ended with a group of children from Y5 performing their Fairtrade Song, written by 2 of our pupils.
    Mr Hunt is going to write to Pritty Patel, the Minister for International Development on our behalf, raising some of the children’s questions.

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  • Carnival Gold!

    Published 27/06/17

    The theme - 'A day at the Seaside' was executed beautifully thanks to the PTFA, parents and helpers on the day. Donkeys, seagulls and a Punch a Judy show were among the St Peter's School float. Not only did we win GOLD for our catagory but the rain held off until we were home! Well done everyone involved.

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  • Quad Athletics Champs!

    Published 22/06/17

    Year 5 took part in a Quad Athletics afternoon at St Edmunds School, Hindhead and won! Each child had to run for 300m and 75m, carry out a nerf throw and standing long jump! All in teh hot hot heat of the day. Well done we are very proud of you all.

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  • St Peter's fruit & veg market!

    Published 15/06/17

    Gardening club set up a stall yesterday selling all produce grown at school. Beetroot, strawberries, tomatoes, cabbages and wild flower plants were all available to buy for a donation. Congratulations to gardening club children and staff as you raised just under £100 which will be re used for gardening around the school. 

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  • St Peter's takes 1st and 2nd in Floorball Tournament! ​​​​​​​

    Published 12/06/17

    St Peter's entered two teams to the Farnham Schools Floorball competition and finished coming first and second out of eight teams! Our teams were mixed girls and boys and included children from both Y5 and Y6.  Tensions were high when St Peter's A played St Peter's B - and drew! This is a new sport for the school but we hope to build on this success and run a club next year to include many more

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  • Anthony Nolan Fundraiser

    Published 06/06/17

    Hayden French in year 6 raised a whopping £425 for the Anthony Nolan Charity last month by organising a mufti day at school. He would like to thank everyone for their generous donations. 

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