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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Latest News

Page 62

  • We are the champions!

    Published 15/05/17

    For the second year running, St Peter's won the Farnham school's cross country event that took place on Saturday 13th May at Farnham Park.  It was a fantastic turn out and thanks goes to all who took part.

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  • School Governor Vacancy

    Published 10/05/17

    St Peter’s school governing body is keen to recruit new governors.  Three vacancies have arisen over recent months for a variety of reasons and anyone is eligible for appointment, whether or not they have a personal connection with the school, and providing there is no direct conflict of interest.  A detailed description of what the role entails is attached.

    To complement existing skills, the governing body is seeking one or more appointees with a good level of business management experience.  It should be noted also, that two of the appointments must be approved by St Peter’s Church and require that those appointed actively seek to preserve and develop the Christian character of the school.

    If you have any questions or are interested and want to know more, then please do not hesitate to contact Cara Chambers on 

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  • Move over Tate Modern

    Published 26/04/17

    Move over Tate Modern because St Peter's is the new gallery in town! In the area between years 3 and 4 classrooms , we now have a brand new art gallery featuring stunning pieces of art work in all forms and from all ages throughout the school. We can't wait to show it off.

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  • Reach for the Stars

    Published 26/04/17

    Last month saw yet another sucessful Fearnhamme's Got Talent Competition held at Waverley Abbey School. The billing was set to be tough competition and so we are delighted to inform you that Archie Hawkyard in year 5 won the 'Rising Star' award for his solo scence taken from the West End show, Les misérables. Huge congratulations Archie, we hope to see you in the West End soon!

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  • Pottery Club

    Published 30/03/17

    Pottery club has proved very popular this term. Look at this finished piece by Josh Nod in year 5. It has delecate sea shells around the middle of it. Very clever - well done Josh!

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  • St Peter's Easter Service

    Published 30/03/17

    Wednesday 29th March 2017 saw the whole school fill St Peter's Church for their annual service. Year 6 entertained the school with a dance and the school orchestra gave a great performance. Thanks for the flower you can see in the photo, the cross looked and smelled amazing! Photo is oldest boy and girl with youngest boy and girl.

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