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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Latest News

Page 63

  • UK Chess Challenge

    Published 30/03/17

    “The school chess club entered the UK Chess Challenge  and started a fun tournament for all members over the Spring Term. plus lots of practise games hoping to qualify for the Surrey Mega Final on Sunday, May 14th in Guildford.


    The standard of chess amongst the members is improving surely and steadily with the results in the balance all the way to the final round !


    The School Champion is Alex Savill with a group of runners-up in second equal position. Twenty two boys and girls took part.


    We have been invited to play in chess matches during the Summer Term by other local schools.


    All the other members of the chess club and team are seeing strong improvement in their chess and are looking forward to learning more about chess in the Summer Term.


    The school chess club meets each Tuesday lunchtime  and forms for the Summer Term may be obtained from school reception.


    Dr. John Upham, Chess Teacher”

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  • Chess Match

    Published 20/03/17

    “Friday, March 10th saw four Farnham Primary Schools come together  to take part in a huge chess match at William Cobbett Primary School. The visiting schools were St. Peters, St. Polycarps and South Farnham all of who, have very active and growing chess clubs with pupils from year 3 to year 6.


    Each school team consisted of eight players (boys and girls) arranged so that the most experienced players would play each other and then swap around at half-time.


    The Chess Captains for each school were Jesse Binmore (William Cobbett), Orla Warren (South Farnham), Tom Hodgson (St. Peters) and Joshua Watson (St. Polycarps) tossed a coin to see who would have the white pieces on the odd numbered boards and who would have the black pieces.


    In round one William Cobbett played St. Peters and South Farnham played St. Peters and at half-time we welcomed refreshments and kicked off round two with William Cobbett playing South Farnham and St. Peters playing St. Polycarps.


    Finally at around 5pm all of the games were completed and the scores totalled up and it was very close indeed: William Cobbett 10.5/16, St. Polycarps 8/16. St . Peters 7.5/16 and South Farnham 7/16 !


    The children all enjoy themselves thoroughly and Chess teacher, Dr. John Upham said he was very pleased with the high standard of play from all of the children. 


    Best checkmate of the match was awarded to Alex Richards from William Cobbett who achieved an unusual and excellent “Smothered Checkmate” with one of his knights: Well done Alex !


    Special mention must go to Donnie Daniels who very kindly agreed to substitute for a missing St. Polycarps player !


    It was agreed by all to continue the matches in the Summer Term and make them a regular fixture.”




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  • Winners of the Borelli Cup!

    Published 10/03/17

    We won the prestigious Borelli Cup!


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  • Sail Shade

    Published 03/03/17

    Many thanks go to the PTFA for funding our latest ‘grounds project. They have provided us with a much needed Sail Shade which is adjacent to the Trim Trail

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  • Living Streets School Audit

    Published 03/03/17

    Together with Living Streets, some of our children took part in a survey covering the local streets close to school. Please see the report below.

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  • Potted History Project

    Published 28/02/17

    At the end of April 2016 we were awarded grants from the Ernest Cook Trust, South Street Trust and the Farnham Institute Charity towards our Potted History Project.   The money paid for the workshops and material costs for the kiln reconstruction and pot-making.

    ‘Potted History’ was a unique arts and history project implemented by St Peter’s C of E Primary School of Wrecclesham, on the outskirts of Farnham, Surrey. Through use of its own Forest School, engagement with local archaeologists, and workshops with Farnham Pottery (the best-preserved example of a Victorian country pottery in the country), the project aimed to develop the children in Key Stage 2’s historical and artistic understanding of pottery and how it is fired.

    In order for them to fully engage with the material and ‘bring the pots to life’, a creative approach to understanding the different stages of pottery production and processes in its ‘lifecycle’ was implemented, and Potted History was thus born.

    The main processes involved included:

    • Production – forming the pots – working with the West Street Potters at Farnham Pottery in Wrecclesham to use local clay and make pots first-hand in the style of the period of history the students studied that year.


    • Production – firing the pots – with the help of an ancient pottery technology specialist, reconstructing a Roman-type kiln in the Forest School grounds, which the pots will then be fired in, allowing them to appreciate the effort and expenditure that would have gone into its construction and of the craft in general.


    • Function (and aftermath) – use (and disuse) of the pots  – working with the lead archaeologist from Finding Farnham as part of in-school workshops involving various historical pots and ceramic sherds to learn about their function when they were in use and part they played in people’s lives, as well as their importance in the archaeological record.


    An exhibition was also held in the school for the parents, potters and local community, where the children exhibited their pots and wrote about their experiences.

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