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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Pupil Premium & Sports Fund

                             Use of Pupil Premium



                                                 (pupils in photos are not linked to Pupil Premium funding


The Pupil Premium is allocated to:

  • pupils from low-income families who are currently eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)
  • pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as Ever6)
  • pupils who have been looked after by the local authority (LAC)
  • pupils who currently have a parent in the military services
  • pupils who have had a parent in the military services at any point in the last three years (known as Ever3)

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However, we will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils identified.  The purpose of the funding is to ensure that these children are not disadvantaged in any way in school due to financial constraints. The aim is to narrow any achievement gap between these pupils and their peers. Pupil Premium funding enables a range of intervention, support and enrichment activities to be funded.


St. Peter’s is investing its Pupil Premium to make the maximum possible impact on learning for pupils entitled to the funding. Expectations for each child are realistic. For some it may be to enhance social skills or develop greater self-confidence. For others, it may be to make accelerated progress in an area of their learning. Another goal may be to achieve potential in a natural talent such as music or sport.


We assess the impact of our provision regularly, both at pupil progress meetings with teaching staff and with governors. Each child’s progress is monitored to ensure that the outcomes we wish for that individual are being advanced.


At St Peter’s we are aware that some of our most vulnerable and disadvantaged families are not entitled to Pupil Premium Funding while other children who receive the Premium are high achievers who exude confidence in all areas of school life. We are therefore careful to look at each child’s needs individually and assess what additional provision could enable them to develop further as an individual.


For 2024- 2025 St Peter’s will receive approximately £ 58,760 Pupil Premium funding.  Other funding from additional funding streams are added to this money to ensure that we can support other children from low-income families. Our strategy and spend for Pupil Premium funding is set out below.