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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Healthy Schools Award 2023

Healthy Schools in Surrey is an opportunity for schools to actively promote the health and wellbeing of the whole-school community. It is a commitment to promoting personal, social and health development and support the links between health, behaviour and achievement. It is centred around the whole school environment and all aspects of school life. The aims of the Healthy Schools Award are supported by our Trick Box personal development and wellbeing programme. 


St Peter’s School currently holds the new Healthy Schools Award. This demonstrates that the health and wellbeing of the children and young people in our care are well catered for by focusing on the following four areas:

  • PSHE including 'Relationships and Sex Education' and 'Drug Education’
  • Healthy Eating 
  • Physical Activity 
  • Emotional Health and Wellbeing 

Initiatives that support our Healthy Schools status include;

  • Trick Box - a personal development programme 
  • Forest School and outdoor curriculum learning programme for all classes
  • Curriculum cookery
  • Regular Yoga
  • Daily Mile
  • An exceptional choice of extra-curricular sports opportunities
  • Buddy system for new children in EYFS
  • Young Leaders
  • Sports Leaders
  • ELSA 
  • Home School Link Worker