Spiritual Moral Social Cultural
At St Peter’s we are constantly striving to raise academic standards for all of our children. We believe that the values and attitudes promoted by staff influence the behaviour and attitudes of the children. St Peter’s promotes a learning environment which reflects Christian values and encourages spiritual development in preparation for taking one’s place in the wider world. The Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development is promoted not only through the curriculum but through the ethos of the school and collective worship. Staff make SMSC links with all curriculum areas wherever possible and this is referenced on all planning. This holistic approach aims to develop children as individuals and encourage their motivation to want to learn.
We aim to remember that cultures are dynamic and are constantly being re-shaped. We offer pupils an experience of life in a community founded on Gospel values. Through this and a variety of educational experiences and interactions, we aim to prepare young people for a life working with others in communities which may be diverse: socially, culturally and religiously. We recognise that it is also important to help pupils to understand their own ethnic identity and cultural heritage as well as helping them to understand others, irrespective of whether the school serves or is located in an ethnically diverse community. British Values are reflected in everyday conduct and relationships where everyone shows respect and empathy towards others. Through the curriculum children are encouraged to develop a curiosity to learn about other people's beliefs and cultures and to find the common threads which bind them together.
Spiritual development is concerned with becoming a person in the fullest sense. It can encourage our journey towards an understanding of ourselves, God the creator and the wonder of the world around us.
Moral development relates to the child’s understanding of what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. As children mature they will also develop an awareness of what is fair and just. They will be able to apply their thinking to circumstances beyond their own immediate surroundings. At St Peter’s we try to build on the moral training within the home while accepting that there may be different approaches between home and school.
Social development refers to a child’s ability to understand and play their part within school, the wider community and later, in wider society. Social development represents the abilities and qualities that an individual needs to play a full and active part in society. At St Peter’s, the Christian teachings ‘to love one another and to treat everyone as an equal’ are instilled from the beginning.
Cultural development allows a child to recognise that all cultural groups are distinctive. At St Peter’s we celebrate the enrichment of the whole community which flows from diversity of age, gender, racial and social origins, abilities, culture and religion. We are committed to ensure that all are given every opportunity to develop their talents to the full. Culture is the embodiment of shared beliefs, knowledge, customs and values of that group. Children need to appreciate the distinctive features of their own culture and those of others. This will help children to answer the questions “Who am I?” and “Where do I fit in?”
For more detailed information on this important element of the school curriculum, please see our SMSC Policy.