Guildford Diocese and St Peter's Church
St Peter’s is within the Diocese of Guildford and follows the Diocesan scheme of work for Religious Education. We follow the Diocesan guidelines to ensure that a distinctively Christian ethos is at the heart of all that we teach.
St Peter’s has close links with the Diocese and classes sometimes visit the Cathedral to attend workshops at particular times of the Christian year such as Lent and Advent. The leadership team works closely with the Diocese and has contributed to Diocesan training sessions.
Children’s experience at St Peter’s ends in Year Six with a Leavers’ Service at the cathedral where they come together to reflect on their time at primary school with children from all the Diocesan schools across Surrey and Hampshire.
For further information please see:
St Peter's Church: School and Church working together

The whole school visits St Peter’s Church on four occasions a year to celebrate:
- Harvest
- Christmas
- Easter
- St Peter’s Day
There are other times during the year when children visit the church to support their RE learning. For some children, this will be their first experience of visiting a church and they are taught to ask questions with an enquiring mind while respecting the traditions of the Church.
Each year, the school takes a Pause Day when the normal curriculum ‘pauses’ to focus on an aspect of the Christian faith. This is a day when parishioners come in to support the creative and reflective learning that takes place.
Another time of celebration is the Christmas Carol Service where families and friends are invited to join the school in praise. There are times in the year, when a class will support one of the Sunday services. Likewise, the community comes together regularly to hold their Sunday service in the school hall. These are very much family focused services which reach out to a very wide congregation.
For further information please see: