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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Week 9

We hope that you have had a good week.  Although Mrs Bench and Mrs Simpson are now teaching full time in school, please continue to post your achievements as they will definitely be looking at them. Please read your teachers' message before starting your learning.


We have included some thought provoking learning around: Black Lives Matter. These resources are aimed at primary school pupils and will hopefully stimulate some mature discussions.  As adults you will be able to participate too. There is a poster, some ideas for discussion/reflection and a text which again, should help pupils to process what has been happening in the news recently. Some pupils are more mature than others, but we suggest you look at the materials and decide what's appropriate for your child. In school children were meant to be reading: Journey to Jo'Burg this term which is a book set during apartheid so this would have linked very well with the current  issues. 


It is Week 6 of the White Rose Maths learning.

It is Week 9 with the Hamilton Trust English.


Here is some music learning from Mrs Cobb:

Do try the St Peter's Challenges if you haven't already.  Do look at the CM challenges on the main Home Learning page too.