Enjoying the library
A bespoke English curriculum based on rich texts which connect with pupils
We follow The National Curriculum for English and aim to develop a love of reading and writing from an early age. Children are taught to read through focused phonics sessions and then progress through the school’s reading scheme. The Oral Curriculum is always being enhanced and children are encouraged to talk and discuss in pairs and groups, planning their writing before committing to paper. The school values drama and improvisation during English lessons and children are given many opportunities to speak in front of an audience. Rich texts are used for whole class study and wherever possible, links are made with other curriculum subjects and whole school themes such as world literature, justice, global and Eco issues. Teaching is whole class with support and small group boosters where necessary. Grammar and Spelling are taught both discreetly and woven into whole class teaching. We also use our Forest School and woodland area to support our oral and written work.
Y6 Macbeth workshop with West End in Schools
Reading for Pleasure
’Reading for pleasure’ is at the heart of our reading ethos. Reading is prioritised to allow pupils to access the full curriculum. At St Peter’s, staff share quality literature with pupils, every day, through reading aloud and sharing books for enjoyment and information. As well as narrative texts, a varied range of non-fiction and poetry is used to engage and motivate children. The school has a well-resourced and attractive library, which the older children help to run. Author workshops are regularly organised and linked to our curriculum.
How do we teach phonics?
The school has developed its own phonics programme which embeds grapheme/phoneme knowledge using consistent visuals, actions and rhymes across every class. Rehearsing the application of known grapheme phoneme correspondence is at the core of our teaching and learning, ensuring that all children make progress in every session.
The programme consists of six phases which are taught through daily phonic sessions in EYFS and KS1, enabling all children to progress, with the aim of them becoming fluent readers by the age of seven. Rigorous assessment ensures that pupils falling behind are identified and supported through effective catch up.
Regular communications with parents give detailed information on the phoneme/grapheme correspondences that have been introduced in class, with guidance on how they can support at home.
Through our robust phonics and early reading programme, we ensure that pupils develop the skills and knowledge to develop as confident and motivated readers. We also recognise the importance of rhymes, games, songs and quality picture books in pupils’ language development.
The emphasis in our nursery and early years settings is to immerse children in an environment of rich and engaging verbal language experiences which enhance the development of vocabulary and allow children to become confident communicators.
World Book Day
Reading Books
- In Reception and Year 1 we use Collins Big Cat decodable reading books which are matched to familiar phonic graphemes. Pupils are taught in guided sessions. They read each book three times with an adult, allowing them to focus on decoding, fluency and comprehension.
Staff work in close liaison with families to encourage and motivate home reading and provide parents with the information and resources to help their child enjoy reading and make progress. All children take a fully decodable reading book home from when they start school. A reading rewards system helps pupils feel motivated to read regularly.
- In Key Stage 2, class guided reading sessions continue and include opportunities for verbal discussion as well as developing written comprehension skills. A variety of texts are used, including sets linked to curriculum topics. Pupils progress through targeted teaching of fluency, expression and understanding. Pupils in Key Stage 2 take home a reading book matched to their ability.
Alongside home readers, all children visit the school library on a weekly basis and take home a book of their choice.