Our Vision and Values
Our Vision
At St Peter’s we have high expectations where everyone flourishes, achieves and succeeds within a safe, inclusive Christian community. We promote gospel teachings of independence, respect and empathy. Through an exciting curriculum, children are inspired to find joy as lifelong learners and active world citizens.
Unless the school community really understands and embraces the school's vision and values, they can become simply words on a page. At St Peter's we aim for every member of the community to live our vision and values in every dimension of school life. At St Peter’s we aim for our pupils to become responsible, active world citizens who understand that they have a ‘voice’ to celebrate diversity and promote justice.
Our vision and values are bound together by the key Christian value of LOVE which puts others before ourselves:
Jesus said: "Love one another as I have loved you." John 13:v34
Our three school values:
- to have faith in God as our creator and guide;
- to stand up for what we know to be right and just;
- to take risks in challenging ourselves and others;
- to forgive others;
- to accept that we are sometimes wrong,
- to thank others; and to have hope for the future.
- to recognise everyone as equal in the eyes of God
- to show respect and compassion to every individual;
- to embrace diversity in all its forms;
- to recognise each individual's uniqueness and talents; and
- to challenge those who do not embrace inclusiveness.
- to share common goals with every member of our community;
- to recognise that our choices impact others;
- to reach out to other communities;
- to be eager to be part of 'something bigger'
- to use our voice to collaborate and promote justice and peace;
- to know that we can make a difference by playing a part in the school, local, national and global communities.
Pupils presenting and managing a stall of school produce at The Farnham Sustainability Fair 2021
Pupil made Fairtrade gingerbread hearts
School produce