About us
Thank you for showing an interest in our school. The choice of school for your child is one of the most important decisions that you will make. We hope that our website gives you a feel for what St Peter's is able to offer your child during their primary school years.
Our school values are: Courage/Inclusiveness/Active Citizen and we hope that what we offer enables all members of our community to live these values every day.
A message from Sarah Dunning, Head Teacher
On behalf of the staff I would like to welcome you to St Peter’s Church of England Primary School. We are a two form entry primary providing an education which seeks to develop the whole child through an exciting and challenging curriculum, underpinned by excellent pastoral care.
Our school ethos promotes Christian values; everyone is welcomed and valued for who they are. We place great importance on developing a strong social, moral, spiritual and cultural experience for all of our pupils and we seek to ensure that everyone in our school family is included and given the opportunity to be themselves and to develop academically, socially and emotionally as an individual.
All staff have high expectations and children are challenged and supported to achieve their potential across the curriculum. We aim to develop children's natural curiosity and eagerness to learn, by encouraging them to think originally and ask searching questions. The school's performance in national tests is consistently strong, but we place great emphasis on other areas of the curriculum: both the Arts and Sport flourish at St Peter's, providing many opportunities for children to participate and discover new talents. To support learning in the classroom, we have a well-established Forest School curriculum which helps to develop independence and resilience through problem-solving and team work. Children also participate in cookery and yoga - which both provide essential skills for lifelong physical and mental health.
We also have a personal development tool, Trick Box, which gives children the skills they need to develop both positive relationships with others and personal autonomy and resilience.
At St Peter's, there is a strong sense of family and community - children are encouraged to develop an awareness of their place in the local community and the wider world. We have active links with schools overseas and through our Fair trade, Eco and Global focus, children learn to appreciate their own privileges and discover the values they share with the local community and people and communities around the world.
Finally, we are always seeking to enhance the provision; staff and governors greatly value feedback from the school community and we welcome ideas from both parents and pupils. We are fortunate to have parents who are generous with their time to support classes, clubs and visits. This contributes to the very special learning environment that we have.
If you are looking for a school for your child, please arrange to visit us. The staff and pupils look forward to meeting you and showing you what St Peter's has to offer. We very much hope you will want to become part of St Peter's family.
For an up-to-date narrative of school life, do look at our Instagramposts @StPetersFarnham.
Sarah Dunning M.Ed ALCM NPQH
Head Teacher