Our Vision
At St Peter’s we have high expectations where everyone flourishes, achieves and succeeds within a safe, inclusive Christian community. We promote gospel teachings of independence, respect and empathy. Through an exciting curriculum, children are inspired to find joy as lifelong learners and active world citizens.
Jesus said: "Love one another as I have loved you." John 13:v34
Our school values: Active Citizen, Inclusiveness, Courage underpin our curriculum.
School Garden Traidcraft's Fairtrade game
Curriculum Aims
(see tabs for specific subject areas)
At St Peter’s we have designed a broad and inspiring curriculum. It is underpinned by strong social, moral, spiritual and cultural strands which enable children to learn about themselves and appreciate others as individuals who come together as a community to welcome diversity and embrace inclusion.
We place a strong emphasis on giving our pupils experiences which will encourage them to seize opportunities to develop their learning as they journey through life. Our pupils will be working in a world where people across the globe are increasingly connected and interdependent. Actions taken by governments and communities in one part of the world impact people in other parts of the world. Our curriculum is modern and embeds real life situations and issues.
We encourage children to take responsibility for their own learning, while enabling them to develop the skills and acquire the knowledge they need to become enquiring independent learners and positive members of the community. We recognise the importance of building a strong home school link and together with parents; we aim to help children and adults to:
- become positive, confident individuals who can empathise with others and treat everyone with respect:
- develop a natural curiosity and interest in other people and the world around them;
- learn to ask deep questions that search for meaning and context;
- acquire a sound command of the National Curriculum subjects so that they become lifelong learners and build on their existing knowledge;
- develop spiritually and understand that they have a role to play in God’s creation;
- understand our connections with the local and wider world community; and
- develop respect for the diversity of life and the diversity and uniqueness of each individual.
We aim to achieve this by:
- providing a safe, stimulating and happy environment where physical and non- physical talents can be nurtured and challenged;
- establishing strong relationships and positive role models, based on mutual respect between adults and children in the school;
- developing staff both as a team and as individuals in order to achieve the highest possible standards in teaching and learning; and
- creating an inclusive environment where every individual knows that they are valued.
St Peter’s follows the National Curriculum with its stipulated hours of teaching and expectations for knowledge and skills progression. However, we also endeavour to provide an extensive range of additional learning experiences which contribute to pupils’ learning experiences. All children participate in regular outdoor learning and forest school activities in our own woodland area. This supports different curriculum areas and gives pupils the opportunity to learn in the natural environment. In the pupils’ kitchen, cookery is taught with a focus on curriculum links and skills progression. We have an embedded personal development programme (Trick Box) and pupils also have yoga instruction.
The curriculum is supported by many school trips which take place locally and further afield. External visitors, both educationalists and experts are part of a planned schedule to support learning across various curriculum areas.
We aim to enhance our teaching and learning by making sure that staff are up-to-date with recent developments in education. We also participate in learning experiences with other schools to ensure that our practice is current and challenged.
The school’s development plan will highlight areas to be developed within a specific time frame. In such a way, the quality of learning is constantly being challenged and improved. We have link subject governors who are trained to question and challenge subject leaders and ensure that high standards are maintained. We hold several whole school awards which are not only a way of celebrating our achievements, but a self- evaluation process meaning that we are constantly reviewing and developing our practice and provision. Everything links: International Award learning links with being a Green Flag Eco school and a Fairtrade Achiever School. Our Arts Mark and Healthy Schools journeys also come into learning across different subject areas.
We have high expectations of our children and teachers assess daily, using their observations to inform their lesson planning. This ensures that teaching is child focused. We know that children learn best by experience and that success leads to enhanced learning. We aim to differentiate learning to suit individual children’s needs. Pupils are formally assessed each half-term and pupil progress meetings are held with the head teacher and deputy head teacher to ensure that provision is keeping pupils on track. We adopt whole class learning but within the class, the learning will be tailored to suit individuals’ needs, talents and abilities. A fluid approach allows children to work at whatever level is appropriate for them in a particular subject or topic.
A good education is about so much more than high grades. We believe that the primary school experience at St Peter's gives our pupils a good start in life and inspires them to look outwards - beyond themselves and their own world. While acquiring a good standard in Literacy and Maths, they will also have a wealth of knowledge and extra curriculum experiences which will support them to develop as individuals. They will have had cultural, intellectual, sporting and social opportunities which will prepare them for success at secondary school. We are proud of an impressive record of St Peter’s pupils becoming ‘head’ pupils at our local secondary school and the many successes of past pupils who come back to visit us.
Learning beyond the classroom
How will I know how my child is doing?
Assessment and Reporting
Children’s progress is assessed continuously in different ways, with formal assessments taking place each half-term. This enables any concerns to be addressed and interventions to be put in place. Parents’ Contact Evenings are held in the Autumn and Easter terms and a full report on your child’s progress is sent home in the Summer term. Each child's progress is also discussed each term with the senior management team so that again, any child who is not making expected progress can be identified and targeted for support. Teachers are available by appointment at any time during the term.
Will my child fit in at St Peter's?
The answer is 'YES'! St Peter's adopts an inclusive approach. It is our job to challenge and develop independence and an enquiring mind in every child, whatever their ability. Through our school values we promote respect for all regardless of religion, ethnicity, gender or culture.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
St Peter’s welcomes children of all abilities and talents. While in most cases quality teaching will adapt to a child’s individual needs, there are times when an individual will need extra support either for a short time or for a sustained period of time. Children are supported in class in whichever way is most appropriate. We have trained staff who have specialisms in specific areas relating to learning and emotional needs. Additional support from the Local Authority will be sought in some cases and parents will be involved at all stages of their child’s journey through education. The overriding aim for any child with SEND is for them to become independent in their learning and life skills. (see SEND local offer)
More Able
At St Peter’s we believe that many children have the potential to excel in specific areas of the curriculum. We aim to uncover a child’s latent talents. Where a child is identified as having a special talent or ability, teaching will be differentiated to ensure that suitable challenges are available. This may be through enrichment activities such as specific problems or research based activities or problems requiring more advanced thinking skills. There are also occasions when children are challenged in small groups either by a member of school staff or an external visitor. There are opportunities to collaborate with children from other schools in many areas of the school curriculum and Weydon School also organises challenges for specific Year 5 and 6 children.