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St Peter's C of E Primary School


Global Connections

We have a long term connection with a school in Cannes, France. Our Y5 and Y6 pupils write to a penal and also meet them virtually twice a year. This is a great opportunity for our pupils to put their French language skills into practice. It is also very exciting for them both to see and speak to the person they have been corresponding with. During lock downs we were so glad that we could continue to liaise with our link school.  



Why The Global Community?

At the heart of our global learning is the idea of interconnectedness or interdependence between people and the environment. This includes local and global connections as well as those that are rooted in the past, present in our lives today and those that may affect us in the future. 



At St Peter's we have made many links across our curriculum which incorporate learning about different cultures and societies around the world.  For four years now, we have had links with a charity school (UCC Future Leaders) in Accra, Ghana and have communicated in several ways. We have also ensured that Ghana is included in our Geography learning in two year groups. We have also welcomed Ghanaian teachers into our school and have made contact with a Japanese teacher to compare how languages are taught in primary schools across the world.  As a school, we have now achieved the British Council International Award (re-accredited 2021). Since Autumn 2017 we have worked collaboratively with two schools in France and have participated in three projects with schools across Europe through the British Council's e-Twinning programme.  We shall continue to make links in our curriculum  and look for further  opportunities to share learning with schools around the world.


On World Book Day (2017) we focused on literature from African traditions. Learning in each year group was based around a book from an African country. We also took the opportunity to experience the artistic traditions of that country.  Staff and pupils dressed up in the colours of the Ghanaian flag to raise money for the UCC Future Leaders' new school building in Accra.



For information on how St Peter's supports our friends in Ghana, please see below.